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Catalog Part Tags

Tag catalog parts to also help yourself and other in your organization search and find catalog parts. Tags can be meaningful text as well indicating a status or the catalog part phase in the process.

It is recommended that your organization either limit administrators to creating tags or have a tag-policy in place to avoid having similar and confusing names. Also have your team members understand how to use and when to add/remove tags.

To add a Catalog part tag

  1. Navigate to the catalog part.

  2. Click on Edit for Tags.

  3. Click on the text box to get a list of available tags to select. You can choose zero or more.

    If  the Allow non-administrators to create Tags is enabled, a user may create a tag on-the-fly.

  4. Click Save.

To remove a Catalog part tag

  1. Navigate to the catalog part.

  2. Click on Edit for Tags.

  3. Click on the tag to remove.

  4. Press Delete on your keyboard (or Backspace).

  5. Click Save.

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