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Diagnosing Centro Issues


In order to progress tickets for Centro Server side issues we'll need the following information to progress your ticket. You may create a support ticket here on the Support Portal and attach this information there. for anything over 15mb please use our Actify Uploader.

1. Centro Configuration and Log Files (WebApp, Pipeline Host and Pipeline Manager)

Locate the following files and attach these to your Support Ticket:

Default Location: C:\ProgramData\Actify\Centro7\Logs

WebApp Logs

  • Configuration Folder
  • CentroWebApp.svclog
  • CentroWebApp00.log

Pipeline Host Logs

  • Configuration Folder
  • PipelineHostService.svclog
  • PipelineHostService00.log
  • quartz-scheduler00.log
  • XKit00.log

Pipeline Manager Logs

  • Configuration Folder
  • PipelineManagerService.svclog
  • PipelineManagerService00.log

Centro 7.12.0 Releases or newer

Centro stores all log files to one, centralized, location. The default value is the C:\ProgramData\Actify\Centro7\Logs folder.

This includes WebApp Log, Pipeline Host Logs, and Pipeline Manager Logs.

2. Extract the Application and System Logs from the Event Viewer (WebApp, Pipeline Host and Manager Servers)
  • Press the Windows button bottom left on your screen, then select the Magnifying Glass top right of your screen.
  • Then type Event Viewer and press Enter on your keyboard.
  • Right Click the Application Log and Save All Events As, Repeat for the System Log.

  • Attach to your Support Ticket.
3. Pipeline File and CAD Files

Please attach the Pipeline to your Support ticket which can be exported, these are the steps:

To Download the Pipeline file click the Downlaod icon (highlighted below) and attach to the Support Ticket.

 Please also upload the relevant CAD Files to your issue, if they're too large for the ticket they can be uploaded on the Actify Secure File Transfer Uploader

4. Verbose Logging

In some instances it may be worthwhile to change the logging of Centro so that it outputs more information when trying to replicate an issue or error messages. Support can provide instructions on how to do this. It is important to note that this should be turned off after the investigation otherwise the logs will grow exceptionally large.

NOTE: Verbose logging can be set as follows:

  • Change the file(s) below based on the issue being diagnosed;
    • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Centro\web.config
    • C:\Program Files\Actify\Centro\PipelineHostService\KitKatHostService.exe.Config
    • C:\Program Files\Actify\Centro\PipelineManagerService\PipelineManager.exe.Config
  • Search for value:  <!-- Off, Error, Warning, Information, or Verbose. →
  • Change "Warning" to "Verbose"
  • Restart the service
5. Extract your Server's Direct X Diagnostics File (DXDIAG)

  • Key in "dxdiag" as shown above and press enter.
  • Select the "Save all information" button on the lower right
  • Save this file to your desktop - It will be named dxdiag.txt
  • Attach to your Support Ticket


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