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Quick Publisher

Publishing ACT3D files from native CAD files is a typical workflow for many organizations. Quick Publisher was developed to make creating a pipeline for this operation easier.

  1. Click the Quick Publisher button.
  2. Fill in each field.
  3. Click Create Only or Create, Deploy, & Start.

    Quick Publisher Fields


    Enter a name for the pipeline to be created by the Quick Publisher. A unique and descriptive name is recommended.

    This is a required field.


    Select Directory Watcher for finding files on the local drive of the server or select Polling Directory Watcher for watching network drives.

    This is a required field.

    Source Directory

    Enter the source directory where Centro will find CAD files.

    The directory is from the perspective of the server: c:\temp, for example, is the \temp directory on the server system where Centro is being run, which is not necessarily the system you are logged onto.

    This is a required field.

    Destination Directory

    Enter the destination directory where Centro will create files.

    The directory is from the perspective of the server: c:\temp, for example, is the \temp directory on the server system where Centro is being run, which is not necessarily the system you are logged onto.

    This is a required field.

    Use Extension

    Enable Use Source Extension in Output Filenames to use the file extension in the output filename.


    Specify which types of files to include; leave it blank to include all. Separate multiple entries with a semi-colon.

    Included CAD File Extensions

    Select CAD extensions to supplement the Filter field. Click each extension to include.

    Watch sub-directories/Add existing files

    Select the Watch sub-directories checkbox to include files from source folder subdirectories.

    Select the Add existing files checkbox to include files files already present in the source directory (and subdirectory).

    Note: These are both selected by default.

    Open archive files

    Select the Open archive files checkbox to extract files from zip, .gz, etc. and process them..

    Note: This is not selected by default.

    Importer Options

    Select the Importer Options set to use to convert CAD files to ACT3D files..

    Publish File Formats

    Publish to SpinFire

    Create .ACT3D files from native CAD files.

    Import Options

    Select a set of importer options to apply to the pipeline.

    Public to ACIS - binary (.SAB)

    Convert native CAD files to .SAB files.

    Public to ACIS - Text based (.SAT)

    Convert native CAD files to .SAT files.

    Publish to HSF

    Convert native CAD files to .HSF files.

    Publish to IGES

    Convert native CAD files to .IGES files.

    Publish to JT

    Convert native CAD files to .JT files.

    Publish to Parasolid

    Convert native CAD files to .X_T files.

    Publish to PDF

    Convert native CAD files to 3D PDF files.

    Publish to PRC

    Convert native CAD files to PRC files.

    Publish to STEP

    Convert native CAD files to STEP files.

    Publish to STL

    Convert native CAD files to STL files.

    Publish to U3D

    Convert native CAD files to U3D files.

    Note: All are selected by default.

    Catalog actions

    Add to Catalog

    Add the resource to the catalog.

    Upload native CAD

    Upload the native CAD file to the Catalog.

    Upload published files

    Upload an published file format (ACT3D, PDF, STEP, JT, STL) as a Catalog resource.

    Add to Category

    Automatically add files and their derivative files to a category.

    Generate and upload thumbnail

    Create a .PNG thumbnail of the native CAD file as visual representation of the CAD file in the Catalog.

    Publish to SpinFire Web

    Convert the native CAD file to hwf format to be viewed in SpinFire Web.

    Publish CAD physical properties

    Calculate the volume, surface area, bounding box, and center of mass. The results are added to the object in the Catalog.

    Publish CAD attributes

    Extracted meta data attributes are added to the object in the Catalog.

    Note: All are selected by default.


    Enter a project name or create a new project. Only users associated with the project can view items in the Catalog.

    Multiple projects can be added.

    This is a required field.

    Related Topics

    Pipeline Editor

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