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What to Include in a Support Ticket


If you're experiencing issues with Centro we have a standard list of things we would ask that you check in your Centro and try to include in your Support ticket.  This would typically be a screenshot showing the problem, if there are any browser errors reported in the background (example video further down) and an example CAD file that's experiencing the issue.

Please note that the previous instructions on this page have now been moved to Centro Diagnostics.

1. Screenshot of the Error message

Please provide a screenshot of the error message that is typically displayed bottom right of your screen or the errors shown in the Pipeline's actions themselves and attach to the Support ticket.

2. Browser Error

In some cases, there are errors being reported within the browser application itself that can be useful in telling us where the problem lies.

Google Chrome Instructions:

Right click anywhere in your browser and click Inspect, then click "Inspect" or press <F12> to see the error output, you may need to refresh or repeat the action that caused your original error to see if an error is being displayed.

Firefox Instructions:

Right click anywhere in your browser and click "Inspect Element", then click Console to see the error output, you may need to refresh or repeat the action that caused your original error to see if an error is being displayed.

3. CAD File

If this is possible, please provide us a copy of the CAD File or Files with the error. We may be able to identify the issue with the files (such as corrupted files) or if the issue is with Centro itself under certain circumstances.

4. Pipeline Jobs Explorer

If you have access to the Pipeline Manager, please provide us a copy of the Jobs explorer which lists all the errors per Pipeline.

Once you have chosen the Pipeline with the problem files, ensure you have Cancelled, Finished with Errors and Cancelled with Errors chosen, then refresh the page. Then click the Report button to produce the CSV report to attach to the Support ticket.

5. Log Files

If you have access to the Centro server, please create a compressed zip file of the log files located C:\ProgramData\Actify\Centro7\Logs and send to our support team.



JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.