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Catalog Part - Generate Files

You can generate CAD derivative files (png, ACT3D, SpinFire Web, and CAD2CAD) at any given moment based on a native CAD file uploaded to the Catalog.This need may occur when you update a file manually or upload a new CAD file to the Centro Catalog.

To generate files for upload,

  1. Click on the menu for a CAD file.

  2. Select Generate with upload on Part.

  3. Set options (see below).

  4. Click Generate and upload.

To generate files for direct download,

  1. Find the CAD file resource in the Catalog part view.

  2. Click the part view resource menu.

  3. Select Generate for direct download.

  4. Set options (see below).

  5. Click Generate and download.

Generate Thumbnail



Camera Standard View

Select a predefined view to set the camera (none, ISO, YX, XY, YZ, ZX, ZY)

Background color

Set the two colors used in the gradient background color.
Tip: select the same color twice for a solid background

Image resolution

The resolution used when producing the image (default: 640x480).

Transparent background

Select to have a transparent background

Image Autofit Camera

Select for the image to fit the camera view.

Camera Default

Use the default view for the camera view found in the CAD file.

Generate SpinFire Web



Create Model Map

Create a model map used in SpinFire web.

Ignore Views and PMI

Do not show any CAD views and do not import PMI information.

Disable Measurements

Turn off measurements when using SpinFire web.

Generate SpinFire



Importer Options

Select a pre-defined set of importer options. See Managing Importer Options.

Include BRep

Include BRep data in the ACT3D file for more precise measuring.

Save as Shattered Assembly

Save an assembly as a shattered ACT3D assembly file.

Include 3D Preview

When viewing in the Windows file manager, preview the ACT3D file in 3D mode before loading

Use tessellation compression

Compress tessellated data. This lowers ACT3D file size but diminishes the accuracy of future measurements.

Generate CAD




Convert the CAD file to 3D PDF.


Convert the CAD file to the HSF format.


Convert the CAD file to the PRC format


Convert the CAD file to the JT format.

ACIS - text based (.SAT)

Convert the CAD file to the .SAT format

ACIS - binary (.SAB)

Convert the CAD file to the .SAB format


Convert the CAD file to the IGES format


Convert the CAD file to the Parasolid format.


Convert the CAD file to the STEP format

Stereo Lithography (.STL)

Convert the CAD file to the STL format


Convert the CAD file to the U3D format.

Also see Generate CAD2CAD.


Files generated from the Catalog part view utilize the system pipeline. View status and errors from the system pipeline on the Pipeline Manager page.

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