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Extract BOM from CAD Files

Centro assists in extracting your essential information from CAD files. The Extract BOM action in the pipeline allows you to capture Bill of Material (BOM) information for each assembly, sub assembly, and part via a pipeline. The information is saved into a .csv file for easy viewing in Excel or for your own post-processing.

The information that's captured and extracted is:

  • Filename
  • Part Name
  • Quantity

Extract a BOM

To add the Extract BOM action to a pipeline,

  1. Edit a pre-existing pipeline.
  2. Drag the Extract BOM action to the bottom of the pipeline.
  3. Enter an Action name.
  4. Use the catalog_id dynamic property for the Catalog Part identifier field.
  5. Enter an output filename with path. This should end with .csv.
  6. Click Save Changes.
  7. Redeploy the pipeline when ready.
  8. Rerun jobs.
Upload BOM to the Catalog

You can gain a copy of the extracted BOM from the location specified or upload it in the catalog where it is easily accessible and available to others.

To upload the file to the Catalog from the pipeline,

  1. Edit the pipeline.
  2. Drag the Resource to Catalog action to the bottom of the pipeline after the the Extract BOM action.
  3. Enter an Action name.
  4. Use the dw_changed_file dynamic property fro the Resource filepath.
  5. Enter a Resource name, such as "CAD File - BOM".
  6. Use the catalog_id dynamic property for the Catalog Part identifier field.
  7. Add to Category, if necessary.
  8. Click Save Changes.
  9. Redeploy the pipeline when ready.
  10. Rerun jobs.

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