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Internet Information Services (IIS) Configuration Tips for Centro

The following lists a few tips for possibly increasing performance with page load times by configuring IIS application pool settings. 

Actify recommends targeting the following four settings to minimize performance issues.

  • Virtual Memory Limit

  • Idle Time-out

  • Recycling Specific Times

  • Application Pool - Start Mode

Take into consideration other application your organization has running on the server and consult with Microsoft's online help with IIS before making changes.

Virtual Memory Limits

The Recycling: Virtual Memory Limit (KB) setting governs how much memory to use for a process associated to the application pool can consume. Many large assembly structures can easily utilize 1GB of memory so configuring this setting too low can negatively affect performance considerably. If the server is only being used for Centro setting this value to 0 sets the application pool to have no limitation on memory use.

To change the Virtual Memory Limit

  1. Open IIS Manager.

  2. In the Connections panel, select Application Pools.

  3. In the Application Pools panel, select the application pool being used. For Centro it is normally CentroPool.

  4. In the Actions panel, click Advanced Settings...

  5. Scroll down to the Recycling section.

  6. Change the value of Virtual Memory Limit (KB) to 0.

  7. Click OK.

Idle Time-out

The Process Model: Idle Time-out setting sets the number of minutes a process can remain idle before shutting down. Having processes remain can unnecessarily utilize resources preventing other processes from employing.

To change the Idle Time-out

  1. Open IIS Manager.

  2. In the Connections panel, select Application Pools.

  3. In the Application Pools panel, select the application pool being used. For Centro it is normally CentroPool.

  4. In the Actions panel, click Advanced Settings...

  5. Scroll down to the Process Model section.

  6. Change the value of Idle Time-out (minutes) to 0.

  7. Click OK.

Recycling Specific Times

The Recycling: Specific Times setting is the time(s) to recycle the application pool which is going to take some resources and affect performance. Set this to a time that your organization considers "off-hours" to minimize the number of users this may affect.

To change the Specific Times

  1. Open IIS Manager.

  2. In the Connections panel, select Application Pools.

  3. In the Application Pools panel, select the application pool being used. For Centro it is normally CentroPool.

  4. In the Actions panel, click Advanced Settings...

  5. Scroll down to the Recycling section.

  6. Change the value of Specific Times to something that makes sense to your organization and users based a low usage time such as 3:00 AM.

  7. Click OK.

Application Pool Start Time

Set the Start Mode for the application pool to AlwaysRunning. Using "AlwaysRunning" means the application startup routines are executed when the application pool recycles. Using "OnDemand", the startup routines execute on the first page load after application pool recycle, resulting in a very slow first page load.

To change the Start Mode

  1. Open IIS Manager.

  2. In the left column, click Application Pools.

  3. Select the specific application pool (CentroPool) in the center panel.

  4. Click Advanced Settings... in the right column.

  5. Under the General category, change Start Mode from OnDemand to Always Running.

  6. Click OK.

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