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Pipeline Activity Displayed

Similar to Catalog Part activity or Admin actions activity, the activity for a given pipeline is recorded and displayd on the Activity tab. This is an audit trail of sorts on actions taken on a pipeline.

Previous Centro Pipeline Activity tab showd a line activity graph and the processing jobs.

Previous Pipeline Activty

This tab is relabelled as the Jobs tab and a new Activity tab appears displaying actions performed on the pipeline.

New Pipeline Activity

FIlter activity by

  • Agent name

  • Subject name

  • Agent Types

    • User

    • Pipeline

  • Action Types

    • Pipeline Archived

    • Pipeline Auto-Deployed

    • Pipeline Auto-Started

    • Pipeline Created

    • Pipeline Deployed

    • Pipeline Deployed and Started

    • Pipeline Exported

    • Pipeline Imported

    • Pipeline Location Updated

    • Pipeline Paused

    • Pipeline Priority Updated

    • Pipeline Redeployed

    • Pipeline Restarted

    • Pipeline Restored

    • Pipeline Started

    • Pipeline Unstaged

    • Pipeline Updated

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