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Using LDAP

 Imported LDAP users require an email address. A user's email address is their Centro username and their network password is their Centro password.

  1. Click Sync external accounts.
  2. Filter the users list by
    1. Hiding disable, locked and abnormal accounts.
    2. Typing parts of names
    3. Selecting a set of groups.
  3. Also filter the list of users based on a defined LDAP group(s).
  4. Select users clicking their associated check box.

    Notice the marked user count increments as additional user accounts are selected.
  5. Use marking buttons to quick mark or unmark users
  6. Start importing users by clicking on Import # marked users.
  7. Select LDAP groups to import as roles to associate with the users as well as existing Centro roles to associate to the users.
  8. Click Import.
  9. LDAP users are entered into the Centro system. They are indicated with the LDAP type. The LDAP groups selected on import are automatically associated to the new users as well.

  10. For any imported LDAP groups, go to the Roles tab in Centro. Appropriate permissions will need to be assigned to the roles.

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