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Distributed Deployment

Centro introduces deployment of the application across a distributed architecture. This concept allows multiple instances of Centro 7 to exist at different locations but to share content via Centro Catalog searches.

 This allows servers at different locations to take on the load of work for that particular location thus distributing a) the CPU usage and b) the disk space consumed.


It is recommended to set up a distributed deployment follow these steps:

  1. Map out locations.

  2. Install the Centro software.

  3. Set the cookiedomain in the appSettings.config file.

  4. Set the domain value for httpCookies in the web.config file.

  5. Verify the setup.

Map out Locations

  1. Identify the different locations.

  2. Decide on a name for the location.

  3. Decide on an official URI to access the location.


  • All locations must be part of the same domain.

  • URIs must contain the domain name (e.g. -

  • Each location site must be accessed exactly how the location URIs are specified.

Install the Centro software

Install the Centro web application, the Centro Pipeline Host Manager service, and the Centro Pipeline Manager service for each location.

When installing the web application, use the Location dialog during the installation wizard to configure the location of that server.

The Location name can be any series of characters however each location name must be unique.

URIs must contain the domain name (e.g. -

Set the cookiedomain in the appSettings.config file

To set the cookiedomain value:

  1. Edit \Configuration\appSettings.config for the web app.

  2. Set the value for "CookieDomain" to your upper-level domain preceded by dot. e.g. ""

  3. The full element should look like:  <add key="CookieDomain" value="" />

Set the domain value for httpCookies in the web.config file

To set the domain value:

  1. Edit \Web.config in the web app.

  2. Find the element named "httpCookies".

  3. Set an attribute on that element called "domain" and give it the value of your upper-level domain preceded by dot.

  4. The full element should look like:  <httpCookies domain="" httpOnlyCookies="true" requireSSL="false" />

  5. Restart iis.

Verify the setup

Once set up, verify the distributed configuration.

  1. Login to the application with administration permissions at a location.

  2. Check the Admin Area > Location page.

  3. Verify all locations appear as OK.
    If not OK, remedy the locations that error. See the trouble shooting section.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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