Centro 7.5.0 Release Notes
Centro 7.5.0 embraces new technology changes in the database as well as SpinFire Web. Apart from these advances, Centro adds assistance in tracking Catalog part changes, downloading a specified snapshot of an assembly and all its parts, finding projects easier with project filters, and obtaining your valued data with BOM extraction.
Notable Changes
- Centro Foundation
- ArangoDB 3.2.x upgrade (Windows support)
- SpinFire Web new technology
- Assembly Revisions
- Catalog Part View Activity Log
- Catalog Project Page Filters
- Extract BOM from CAD
- Catalog ID prefix
- Export Options
Bug Fixes & Changes
- Admin
- Username is not escaped in the user editing modal of the admin area
- Percent sign in role name cause an error on Create/Edit page
- Impossible to create Role with Japanese language and umlauts
- Console error when getting current location in Admin page
- Username is not escaped in the user editing modal of the admin area
- BOM Manager
- GetPaths query kills database when used with assembly that has multiple versions
- Catalog
The current Location is not displayed in the Catalog navigation bar
Part count for Projects on the Project Page reset to Zero
- 'Add to pinned Catalog Part' doesn't transfer Created and Last Modified values
Catalog PartView
CAD resources not updated after generate action in partview page
- Disable the 'Download selected' button when all parts in a tree are deselected
- Assembly tree loading error in PartView
- The assembly tree doesn't load on PartView page for xxxxxxxxx.sldasm part
File Name\Date created\Author values don't transfer to PDF viewer
- Console error when Centro Control check-out notification are received
- Warning message is displayed when downloading a Resource checked out by the current user
- Sorting on Compare page causes an error in console
- Error is in console when the user opens version history window
- Creation the parts with the same name shows an error
- CatPart modified timestamp doesn't count Link changes
- Restoring final item in archive switches to wrong tab when restoring a Link
- The colon in DataDoc name occurs syntax error in console
- Invalid "created by" value for DataDoc edited by Pipeline
- Impossible to delete a restored DataDoc
- Can't create DataDoc name with Chinese characters in Centro 7.4
- Checking a new version of a Resource with tags creates an error
- CENTRO Control History Hangs on V2 and above Files
- Pressing on link history changes the Updated By\ Updated Time values
- Incorrect warning message for updating the link
Make hand-cursor for sorting on the Compare page
The 'Remove catalog part' button is missed on mobile version
- Make a hand-cursor for sorting on the Link page
Some instance counts in Catalog do not match SpinFire11 values
- Category dropdown - horizontal scroll should only be shown when necessary
Tag Filter doesn't update to show current resource tags, when those are changed
The user sees that resource was deleted only after refreshing page
The tags are not saved after checking in resource in one case
Error in console when selecting file for Check In.
Erroneous warning message about different file when checking CSV resource
Impossible to upload x-xxxx-xx.pdf to catalog
The searching for a part in the assembly tree in SFW does not work after using a std view.
Exception is thrown when user checks in the same file
Checking in a file with no changes causes ambiguous error
InternalServerError occurs when uploading a resource from a pipeline with distributed deployment
Opening version history window throws an error in console
- Impossible to create the DataDoc with Japanese symbols in name
Catalog Search
The request querying of favorite searches are triggered multiple times for the search page
- 3D Search indexing is invoked for unsupported file types
- Search Results Never Exceed 1000
- The search compare page does not correctly refresh after sorting and removing an item.
- Changing search result view sometimes results in current page being reset
Centro Connect
Tab button doesn't work on Setting window when the user loads the window by pressing Open Settings button
- IOException thrown when checking out a Resource in CentroConnect
The port value is ignored when installing as standalone IIS website
Some translations contains minor errors
Typo is in warning message
- Incorrect warning message is shown when the user deletes an importer options set.
- Endpoint selection descriptive text is incomplete
- Use the "Delete terminology" rather than the "Remove terminology"
- False warning message when updating a previous zip file with a new zip file
IE 11: Thumbnails are not displayed on the Images tab
IE 11: Pressed 'Add to pinned catalog parts' button looks broken
IE 11: Sorting doesn't work on the Users tab
- Dynamic property sample is not translated
- Pressing main checkbox doesn't select all children attributes
- Incorrect warning message for deletion the link
- SpinFire importer support text is from the wrong version of SpinFire
- The tool tip for the output filename field is incorrect in the Extract PMI action
- Missing translation for warning message
- Don't show sorting arrow in the next row for Japanese
- Impossible to save thumbnail with special symbols
- Typo in message when no CAD attributes
Pipeline Host
The extensions of Step type on SF 11.6.2 doesn't match with Centro
The pipelinehostservice does not automatically restart on 2012R2 after reboot
- Cascading updates are not triggered for NX .prt files
- CAD model gives invalid circular references in database
- Host part of ShapeSearch URIs is saved in IP form
- CAD2CAD conversion fails if only HSF or PDF is selected
- Backgroundcolor ACT3d from Centro 7
- Assembly issues and failures running files through first time
- 3dxml is not treated as monolithic when it probably should be
- The actions throw exception during processing filename with 200 symbols
- xxxxxxx_xxx_xxxxxx_xxxxxxx.jt throws exception during CADtoCatalog action
The Part Identifying field of the CADToCatalog action does not work for a Custom Identifier
Move action deletes the part that was moved before
Cad2Cad: Implement conversion to .vrml format as soon as hoops converter supports that format
Pipeline Manager
- The percentage in a trigger name cause an exception
- CADToCatalog Action in IfControl changes order of other CADToCatalog Actions
- Try to get live chart data after a pipeline fails to deploy, throws an Object reference not set to an instance of an object
- Error is in console when the user create/edit pipeline
- Pipeline Target Path generated incorrectly
- Polling Directory Watcher "Exclude Folders" fails to Exclude Folders
- Add to Category doesn't have 'Unassigned' placeholder
- JobsExplorer: UNC path displays first part of path at the end
- Timed trigger starts not at set time
- Warning shown when creating first Pipeline
- Impossible to create pipeline with umlauts in name
- Pipeline with "ResourceToCatalog" Action not uploading Documents Correctly
- Error in console when the job finishes with error
Max length of project breaks the Modify user access window
- The long value of 'Lead Engineer' breaks UI
- The long Project\Lead Engineer name without space breaks the UI on the Project page
- The Default project isn't expanded if the user opens it from the Preview page
- Project name length restriction can be overridden
- Project Page Sorting by Headers only Sorts by Projects, not Parts in the Projects
Installation Notes
- Arangodb 3.2.5 or greater is required as the database engine for Centro 7.5.0. Take special note on upgrading procedures as appropriate back-up of data is required.
See Upgrade Installation for more details.
Known Issues
Supported Environments
Centro Web / File Server Environment | Minimum | Recommended | Optimum |
Operating System | Windows 7 (64-bit) | Windows 7 (64-bit) | Windows 7 (64-bit) |
CPU/Processor * | Intel i7 8 Core 4 GHz (or equivalent) | Intel i7 8 Core 4 GHz (or equivalent) |
Memory | 8 GB | 16 GB | 32 GB |
Disk Space † | 10 GB free | 50 GB free | 100 GB free |
It's recommended to have n+1 core processors where n is the number of total concurrent jobs running.
† The amount of available free space is dependent on the amount and size of files and revisions uploaded as resources to the Catalog.
Database Environment | Minimum | Recommended | Optimum |
Operating System | Ubuntu Linux v12.04 / v14.10 / v15.04 Debian Linux v7.0 or v8.0 | Debian Linux v8.0 | Debian Linux v8.0 |
Memory | 8 GB | 16 GB | 32 GB |
Disk Space | 10 GB free | 20 GB free | 50 GB free |
Client Environment | Minimum | Recommended | Optimum |
Browser | WebGL Compatible Browser
| Chrome FireFox | n/a |
Memory | 2 GB | 4 GB | 8 GB |
Prerequisite Installations
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2
(Note - Already included in Windows Server 2012 ) - Internet Information Services (iis)
- Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ)